Athanasius will always be remembered for his role in the theological controversies of the fourth century sparked by the teachings of Arius. Although the details of this debate are beyond the scope of this present study their effect on the doctrine of the church and on its relationship with the emperors was far reaching. Athanasius was taken into the household of Alexander, the bishop of Alexandria, who apparently recognised his potential from an early age.[1] His education appears to have concentrated on the scriptures and their exegesis rather than the Greek classics.[2] Athanasius was ordained as a deacon and assisted his protégé at the Council of Nicaea. Following Alexanders death Athanasius succeeded him as bishop of Alexandria and continued his struggle against the Arians.
[1] Socrates, History 1.15; Sozomenus, History, 2.17 (NPNF, 2nd series, Vol. 2, 20, 269-270).
[2] Timothy D. Barnes, Athanasius and Constantius: Theology and Politics in the Constantinian Empire. (Cambridge MA / London: Harvard University Press, 1993), 11.
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